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Who's Who

The Church is a Covenanted Parish and has a Ministry Team comprising the Clergy, Readers, Church Wardens and Pastoral Care Leaders. To assist the PCC and the Ministry Team in making decisions there are  "Task Groups" which have the responsibility to implement our vision. Thus there is a sense of shared leadership and many people have a say in the running of the Church. 


Revd. Catherine McBride


Maggie Everett and Peter Fox

Pastoral Care Co-Ordinator

Carol Corney

Licenced Lay Minister (Reader)

Peter Fox

Reader Emeritus

David Jones

Music Leader

Elaine Cook

Lay Chair of PCC

Maggie Everett

Interim Treasurer

Lindsay Bashford

PCC Secretary

Kathryn Slater

Electoral Roll Officer

Pat Fox

Operations Manager

Elaine Cook

Church Administrator

Helen Hughes

Safeguarding Officer

Barbara Bashford

Stewardship Secretary

Avril Innocent

Foodbank Manager

Helen McSherry
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