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Visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, to Market Drayton

Churches Together in Market Drayton were delighted to welcome Justin Welby to Market Drayton on Friday 15th September, 2023 to meet with CAP (Christians Against Poverty) helpers and clients.

Julia Farrant, CAP Life Skills Coach, Ali Doulton, CAP Job Club and Money Skills Coach and Carolyn Lawrence, CAP Manager meet Justin WelbyPictured with the Archbishop outside Market Drayton Methodist Church are:
Julia Farrant, CAP Life Skills Coach
Ali Doulton, CAP Job Club and Money Skills Coach
Carolyn Lawrence, CAP Manager

The Archbisop, who is a patron of CAP, came to learn more about the problems facing people in Market Drayton and how CAP is providing support and guidance.

More information about the visit can be found on the church Facebook page and at:

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